👋 Welcome to Rosie by Instacart

Increase Your
Reach & Revenue

Elevate your shopper’s experience with Rosie, the industry-leading, white-label grocery e-commerce software with full service fulfillment capabilities built for local independent grocery.

Smart, delightfully easy local e-commerce used by:

Get your e-commerce shopping experience with Rosie online in as little as

2 weeks*

Seize the opportunity today
with our fast onboarding
*2 weeks from receipt of validated files

Seamless and stress-free shopping experience for your customers

End-to-End Fulfillment

Leverage a network of hundreds of thousands dedicated shoppers to pick, pack & deliver orders

Phone, chat, and email shopper & retailer support

7 days

Rest easy knowing Rosie's
award winning team
is here to back you up


Own your e-commerce program

Rosie’s easy-to-use platform empowers retailers to win against national chains and online marketplaces by extending your grocery beyond the four walls of your store. Rosie features an e-commerce program your shoppers will love, digital marketing tools that bring products to life online, website pages to share your brand story, and pick, pack and deliver fulfillment capabilities.

  • E-commerce forward website pages with configurable enhanced navigation
  • Industry leading digital end cap and retailer-controlled merchandising technology
  • Dozens of 3rd party integrations with software partners including (POS, rewards, personalization, delivery)
  • Cater program for fresh & ready, deli orders, catering, and signature prepared foods
  • Retailer-branded digital engagement platform includes e-commerce and branded mobile app

Meet your fellow independent grocers who are delivering delight on Rosie.


Accept online SNAP/EBT payments

Millions of customers rely on local grocery to provide the healthy meals on their table, and Rosie makes it possible for you to accept SNAP/EBT payments online. From navigating the approval process with Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) and POS providers, Rosie is with you every step of the way.


What our customers say


Seamless integration with all the partners in your tech ecosystem

Rosie can support all your 3rd party integrations from POS, payment processor, rewards, digital coupons, delivery services, single-sign on, Weekly Ad, and Mobile App. Integrate Rosie’s e-commerce experience with your existing website and tech partnerships from loyalty and rewards to your preferred delivery service.

Grow your Business on Rosie + Instacart

Independent grocers with their own retailer-branded e-commerce experience on Rosie, who have also added Instacart App as an additional e-commerce channel have seen incremental growth in online revenue when using both channels.

Increase your